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  • Paul,
    To make the nice sharp lines I use ribbon that I bought at walmart. The same that you used for Christmas gift. For the center ice logo, I used a flag. (Silk)

    When you have a inch or two of ice, you put little bit of water on the ice where you want to put the lines, unroll the ribbon and it will stick to the ice. It's easier when it's very cold outside. Just spray water over it to Create ice over it. (hot water freeze faster) With 1/4 inch of ice over it, you can skate without affecting the ribbon.
    The best is 1/2 to 3/4 inch

    Note: If you have a lot of sun on your rink, I noticed that the ice above the line or the logo is melting easily because colors catch sunrays. It's a nice look but hard to keep them if you don't have at least 1" or more of ice over it.
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