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  • Thank you...looking forward to starting the planning phase of building my first rink.  I plan on building everything over the summer months in preparation to setting everything up rigt after Halloween.  I really love the fact that I can come to this site and get all the valuable information I need.
  • Hey the rink is still holding strong.  Got more snow the past few days so I will be able to make the walls higher.  I'm planning to go bigger next year and better lighting.  This year has been a great success and with the temps warming up to around -10 degree Celsius (14 degree Fahrenheit) we will get lots of skating in before the season ends. 
  • Thanks.  I built a smaller one this year as I got my son into skating. Next year's will be bigger and better. My wife thought I was kidding when I said I wanted to put up a rink in the backyard. She's from Chicago. I'm from New England. I had to explain to her that all kids should be out skating during the winter. Next year's rink will be roughly 40x50. We plan to move to a bigger house in the spring of 2012. A pre-requisite of the house will be a big and level backyard.
  • Thanks for having me, what a community, learning alot and seeing some great ideas for my next rink.
  • Nice.
    We started to water the ice yesterday evening to make it more "even".
    The plan is to keep doing that night/evening.
    And as soon as it will come down to -3 we will go all in and flood it.
    You may follow the progress and the trophy at my blog.
    Keep talking hockey!
  • In a way. I am the tournament, me and some friends.
    We will have a great party and six teams. The "season" is very short in the south of Sweden. So this will be our last, first and only chance to get it together.
    I do have one question.
    This week it will be "down" to -5C. Should we use very cold water from the pond or regular tap cold water? We want the ice to be as thick as possible and next week give it the finish touch. What would you suggest?
  • We are struggling! +5 C for over a week, but tomorrow will it change.
    One week of "very" cold will hopefully help us to get back on track.
    This is my first attempt and it is on a pond.
    The Helsingborg Pond Hockey Championship will take part the 5th Feb so it better be cold! :)
  • Thanks

    Its my first year doing my rink and it has been a dream and we have been skating on it since Dec 15 . So much so that the only pick I have is of the initial laying of the boards and tarp! More to come. Glad to be part of the community!


  • the rink is for the kids the light is for the boys!
  • Thanks for the nice compliments, It is great to be here.  My rink is 120 ft. x 65 ft. The garage in the background of my pic is called "The Nest" and it houses a full sized Ice Resurfacer!! Story about that another time.
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