Ed Kunzelman left a comment for Sarah Stewart
"I put the liner under the boards and pulled it up on the outside to protect it from skates, worked great!  I used a staple gun to hold the liner, but suffered a few 'blow outs' as staples released due to freeze and thaw.  This year I am using a 4"…"
Sep 21, 2011
Ed Kunzelman commented on Jim Boisvert's photo
"I can't believe you have a Zamboni, what a rink!  What did you use to support your boards?"
Feb 9, 2011
Ed Kunzelman left a comment for Anduklo
"There may be some push back if it's located to close to the edge of the property, even as a temp structure."
Feb 8, 2011
Ed Kunzelman commented on Mike L's photo
"I love this photo!, did you take it from a helecopter or something?"
Feb 8, 2011
Ed Kunzelman posted videos
Feb 8, 2011
Ed Kunzelman posted photos
Feb 8, 2011