Magnus Leslie commented on DAVID OUTZEN's photo
"Glad to see you were up and running in time for Christmas David, looked like a beautiful night for a skate!    Pretty rough start to rink season here in MN.  
I told myself that if I hadn't flooded by Christmas that I'd save the liner and just pass…"
Dec 31, 2015
Magnus Leslie commented on DAVID OUTZEN's photo
"Hopefully another good season out there for you, David.    Frustrating year out this way.  Great cold start way back in November, but either been 40's or -5 it seems every week since.    I'd kill for some nice stable upper teen - low 20's weeks…"
Jan 22, 2015
Magnus Leslie posted a video
Finishing up my contest video entry was more appealing than the prospect of clearing a fresh inch of freezing rain from my ice this morning, so here it is...
Jan 4, 2014
Magnus Leslie commented on Mark V's photo
"I finally had to suck it up and commit to buying a fresh liner every year too.   Lost a few weeks of skating time last year due to patches/repairs that I didn't know I needed until it was too late.   Definitely going to buy a cheap(er) liner and…"
Dec 26, 2013
Magnus Leslie commented on DAVID OUTZEN's photo
"Nice pics David.  Good to see you around the "community" again this year.   Looks like a great Christmas out in CO, happy New Year to you and your family!"
Dec 26, 2013
Magnus Leslie commented on Mark V's photo
"Beautiful pic!   Could use some of that sunshine out my way.   Plenty cold, but just enough clouds/flurries to make me clean off the rink every single morning before lacing up the skates, lol."
Dec 26, 2013
Magnus Leslie commented on Chris Jostock's photo

To (hopefully) answer your question, I think you are talking about my water spreader bar riding about 3/4 inch above the ice?   Nothing terribly fancy, I just screwed a couple of stainless eyelets into the bottom of it to hold the rest of…"
Nov 22, 2013
Magnus Leslie commented on Chris Jostock's photo
"Be happy to.  Might take a day or two to get at it as it's buried in the back of the shed behind my nets and assorted other rink stuff, but will be able to get at it by this weekend in my mad dash to get the boards up in time for this Friday.  :-)…"
Nov 20, 2013
Magnus Leslie commented on Chris Jostock's photo
"Looks great Chris!   Did you expand from last year?  "
Nov 20, 2013
Magnus Leslie posted a photo
Skating season is now officially longer than last year's (thankfully)! Too beautiful of a morning not to grab the camera.
Feb 24, 2013
  • Magnus Leslie Thanks David.    The netting is held up by 12' aluminum poles that are anchored into the ground with removable screw-in anchors.   Was afraid to try PVC as I'm afraid it would too easily crack/shatter from puck impacts.   As it stands now, after 3…
    Dec 2, 2013
Magnus Leslie left a comment for Eric Butterfield
"About stinkin' time ;-)"
Feb 15, 2013
Magnus Leslie commented on Bob Grimm's photo
"Congrats Bob, am sure there is alot of relief & smiles around the house now. Know it's been another frustrating winter for many out East this year (again). Hope the cold weather lasts and you can salvage a good month and a half or so of skating yet…"
Jan 23, 2013
Magnus Leslie commented on Todd Churchill's photo
"Spectacular, Todd! After all that hard work, wishing you a long cold skating season!"
Jan 8, 2013
Magnus Leslie commented on DAVID OUTZEN's photo
"Hadn't seen you post anything yet ths winter so starting to wonder if you were doing your rink this year :-)

Glad to see you up and running! Happy Holidays David, and best wishes for a nice cold New Year!"
Dec 22, 2012
Magnus Leslie commented on Bob Grimm's photo
"Well congrats, that's a great photo.   We were fortunate to get a nice cold week starting on Thanksgiving so got the rink liner in and flooded on Thanksgiving day.  Highs in the 20's and nights in the teens for 5-6 days afterwards.   Was able to get…"
Dec 1, 2012
Magnus Leslie commented on Bob Grimm's photo
Just saw this photo (of your son?) on the USA Hockey FB page.   How cool is that!!!"
Nov 30, 2012