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  • Magnus,

    Excellent video of your Tractor Zamboni. Looked like a great project. Hope you're getting some good skating weather up there.



  • the monitor is weather proof and the speakers are just in wall type  its really sounds amazing. the 2 sides are just white plexi with everyone who helped signature

  • Magnus,

    Looks like you finally got your cold weather! Enjoy!


  • Hey Magnus, we just went through a repeat of the New Year's slushfest.  Rather than shovel and scrape and rinse and repeat, I am leaving it.  Just came in and you know what? It isn't awful.  It's gritty and where I roof raked its a bit wavy, but I truly believe I am better off than if I would have tried to shovel slush (again).  It was so warm and there was so much water on the ice that when it snowed I actually had a thicker layer of slush than ice.  A fried of mine actually shop vac'd 39 gallons of water from the surface.  still had the troubles.  

    Anyway, I wanted to see how you were doing there with yours

  • Magnus,

    Really like the "eyespyfx" on your page! Also was admiring the "old school" hockey goal with the rounded frame in back...where did you get your hands on that?!



  • Not sure exactly what we got. The rain before messed with any snow to make a mess. Furthermore, the weight actually broke what little ice there was forcing the unfrozen water up exacerbating the slush problem. I spent about 8 hrs during the cold snap scraping and got 2 light floods on. I'll be happy to get it quasi level by Friday when it warms.  I think i am shelling on my east edge where i was pulling and watwr was most present  Glad to hear things are going better there.   Happy skating!
  • Hey Magnus, how's the skating?  Rink looks great.  How did you fare with the slush?
  • We had about a 12" snowfall. During an 18-hour period I shoveled it 6 times. Not complaining, though...its a great outdoor hockey tradition. By the way, the rink photos on your page are great! 

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